Afghanistan Overflight Permits Regulations 2025

Delivery Aircraft Trip Support
Afghanistan Overflight Permits Procedures

Do you need a permit for afghanistan overflight?

Yes, you typically need a permit for overflight of Afghanistan. The specific requirements and procedures can vary depending on factors such as the type of aircraft, purpose of flight, and route. It's important to consult with aviation authorities or specialized agencies to ensure compliance with all necessary regulations and obtain the appropriate permits.

In alignment with the Afghanistan Civil Aviation Authority's Aeronautical Information Publication (Afghanistan AIP) and the designated air traffic routes in Afghanistan, any aircraft owner or operator planning to fly in Afghanistani airspace must apply for Afghanistan overflight clearance through the Air Transport Department at least 48 working hours before the scheduled flight departure. It's essential to include AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network) in your flight plan, and for Afghanistan, only an overfly permit is necessary.

These terms would help you find more specific information regarding the rules and requirements for obtaining overflight permits in Afghanistan.

Required Details for Obtaining Afghanistan Overflight Permit Application

1 - Flight Schedule
2 - Entry / Exit Points with ATC Route
3 - Lead Passenger Details
4 - Local Receiving Party Details 5 - Consignee & Consigner Details for Cargo Flights
6 - Aircraft Documents [ AOC, COA, COI, CON, COR]

Permit Validity

- Afghanistan Overflight Permit is valid for +72 hours.

For those intending to execute a passenger flight landing or technical stop, the Afghanistan Airports Authority has specific regulations overseeing the issuance of Afghanistan Overflight Permits, often involving associated charges. These charges typically cover Route Navigation Facility Charges for overflight, as well as landing and parking fees for aircraft making stops.

Being a signatory to the Chicago Convention, Afghanistan requires strict compliance with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) general rules for international air traffic. This encompasses adherence to regulations concerning the transport of troops, equipment, materials, and dangerous goods. For more comprehensive information, please reach out to us.

Overflight Permits Category’s for Adhoc and Private

1 - Overflight Permits (Charter Passenger Flights)
2 - Overflight Permits (Private Passenger Flights)
3 - Overflight Permits (Non-Schedule Cargo Flights)

Overflight Permits Category’s for Block :

1 - Monthly Block Overflight Permits (For Scheduled and Non-schedule Airlines Flights)
2 - Seasonal Block Overflight Permits (Scheduled Commercial Airlines Flights)

Overflight Permit Charge's

We do not charge any type of hidden cost in Civil Aviation Permit Processing Cost and Afghanistan Overflight Permits Procedures. Our fee is straight and direct without any additional fees in Afghanistan Overflight Permit We do not require large upfront deposits or commitments. We strive to develop long term relationships and we work hard to earn your referrals. Besides receiving essential financial monthly reports these very particular customers expect to entirely rely on professional teams and they offer just that. This trust is earned through our administrative and financial control, as well as our services standards of work.

Flight Information Region In Afghanistan

Afghanistan Airspace is divided into 01 Flight Information Regions (FIRs)

1 - Kabul (OAKX) FIR

Afghanistan FIRs ( Entry / Exit Points ) :

West Bound Entry PointWest Bound Exit PointEast Bound Entry PointEast Bound Exit Point

International Trip Support Services

We provide comprehensive and personalized flight planning and International Trip Planning services to the corporate aviation industry. Our dedicated and experienced staff work together to ensure you have a smooth trip that is tailored to your particular needs. with years of international flight planning experience, the latest trip coordination technology, and a dedication to high-quality customer service, each member of our knowledgeable team is equipped with the tools to exceed your expectations.

Our proficient flight support team offering unrivalled support services to any International & Domestic Airports in Afghanistan along with their expertise, our permit2fly team can arrange Afghanistan Overflight Permits for Ad-hoc Charter Flights, Scheduled Airline Seasonal Block Permits from Civil Aviation Authority of Afghanistan according to their legal time frame.

Trust Permit2fly, to handle all your ground supervisory at Afghanistan airports and obtain Afghanistan overflight and Landing permit for any of your aircrafts to operate in the territory of Afghanistan.

About Afghanistan | History - Geography

Afghanistan, landlocked multiethnic country located in the heart of south-central Asia.

Lying along important trade routes connecting southern and eastern Asia to Europe and the Middle East, Afghanistan has long been a prize sought by empire builders, and for millennia great armies have attempted to subdue it, leaving traces of their efforts in great monuments now fallen to ruin.

The political history of the modern state of Afghanistan began with the Hotak and Durrani dynasties in the 18th century. In the late 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in the "Great Game" between British India and the Russian Empire. Its border with British India, the Durand Line, was formed in 1893 but it is not recognized by the Afghan government and it has led to strained relations with Pakistan since the latter's independence in 1947.

Afghanistan is a unitary presidential Islamic republic. The country has high levels of terrorism, poverty, child malnutrition, and corruption. It is a member of the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Group of 77, the Economic Cooperation Organization, and the Non-Aligned Movement. Afghanistan's economy is the world's 96th largest, with a gross domestic product (GDP) of $72.9 billion by purchasing power parity; the country fares much worse in terms of per-capita GDP (PPP), ranking 169th out of 186 countries as of 2018.

The country’s forbidding landscape of deserts and mountains has laid many imperial ambitions to rest, as has the tireless resistance of its fiercely independent peoples so independent that the country has failed to coalesce into a nation but has instead long endured as a patchwork of contending ethnic factions and ever-shifting alliances.

Afghanistan Overflight Permits Procedures

The Given Below Information Is Extracted from the Afghanistan AIP

All civil flights authorized to operate in the Kabul FIR must file an ICAO flight plan in accordance with ICAO Rules of the Air Annex 2, if possible.

ICAO flight plans are unavailable; all ACFT must file a flight plan including at least the following:

- Call Sign
- Aircraft Type
- Departure Point
- Destination
- Altitude
- Route of Flight
- Estimated Time Of Arrival

If unable to file a flight plan at the departing point, aircrews are required to depart VFR and contact Kabul ACC as soon as possible to file in the air for airports within the Kabul FIR.

All civil and military aircrafts arriving and departing or alternate aerodrome as Kabul International Airport (Hamid Karzai International airport) is mandatory to submit ICAO flight plan (except QRF, SAR, and MEDEVAC).

Procedures Applicable to Operators and Pilots

Flight Planning

Procedures applicable to Operators/Pilots The levels at which a flight is to be conducted shall be specified in a flight plan as follows:

1- In terms of “flight levels” if the flight is to be conducted at or above the transition level

2- In terms of “altitude” if the flight is to be conducted in the vicinity of an aerodrome at or below the transition altitude.

Flight levels and altitudes selected for a flight shall ensure adequate terrain clearance along the route to be flown. Flight levels are specified in a flight plan by number and not in terms of feet or meters as in the case with altitudes. Selected flight levels shall be compatible with Appendix 3 Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Table of Cruising Levels.

ACFT may enter and exit the Kabul FIR, only via the following points, and must flight plan accordingly:

Country (To/From)Reporting PointLAT/LONGAirwayLevel
Pakistan FL280/290 available during 2000-2359Z.GADER294100N0612800EG20610200ft – FL290
GADER294100N0612800EA4537000ft – FL410
DAVER293412N0644048EM3759 500ft – FL290
SERKA295100N0661501EV39010 900ft– FL290
V71711 200ft – FL290
RIMPA312600N0673600EG20212000ft – FL290
L509FL300– FL490
IMTIL340559N0710859EA45512000ft – FL290
DUGIN353659N0713058EG206FL210 –FL350* FL290 MAL INBOUND
SERKA295100N0661501EN636**/UL333*FL300– FL490
ASLUM310112N0663712EP628FL300– FL490
BIROS314000N0690000EL750*FL300 – FL430
DOBAT325200N0692600EN644*FL300 – FL430
SITAX330500N0700259EM875FL300 – FL430 / FL300 – FL490 (Between 2000Z-2359Z FL280-FL290 only AVBL)
LAJAK335559N0702959EM881/L509*FL300 – FL430
MOTMO362759N0713758EP500*FL300 – FL430
TajikistanPINAX371500N0690600EV848FL220 – FL490
EGPAN382500N0704400EV876FL190 – FL290
FIRUZ364012N0713748EP500*FL300 – FL490
EGPAN382500N0704400EM881FL300 – FL490
IRTAJ370050N0675550EB904FL300 – FL490
UzbekistanAMDAR371230N0672036EA454FL190 – FL290
AMDAR371230N0672036EM875FL300- FL490
TurkmenistanRAPTA372700N0653800EB4427000ft – FL290
LEMOD361000N0641730EM696/N644*FL180 – FL430
RANAH353500N0631200EV838/L750*FL160 – FL430
DAVET365739N0644715EP173FL300 - FL430 (Between 2000Z – 2359Z: FL280 and FL320-FL430)
IranPAMTU351006N0610806EV390/P628/N6369000ft – FL490
KAMAR323900N0604400EG20211000ft – FL290
SOKOM331316N0603754EV33811000ft – FL290
SOKAM331316N0603754EUL333FL290 – FL490
RANRU300115N0610048EZ627FL260 – FL490

Approval Prior to Flight Plan Submission

All operators are to contact Airfield Management for prior approval to fly into destinations within Afghanistan to contact the Afghanistan Civil Aviation Authority (ACAA) for approval to land at any civil airfield.

Flight Plan Information

Operators should use the appropriate flight plan designation specified for the RNP-10 route flown.

The letter R should be placed in Block 10 of the Host Nation International Flight Plan or ICAO International Flight Plan. This indicates that the aircrew has reviewed the planned route of flight to determine RNP-10 requirements and the ACFT and operator have been approved by the appropriate approval authority to operate in areas or on routes where RNP-10 is a requirement for operation.

During flight planning, the flight aircrew should pay particular attention to conditions that may affect operations in RNP-10 airspace (or on RNP-10 routes). These include, but may not be limited to:

- Verifying the ACFT is approved for RNP-10 operations.

- Verifying the RNP-10-time limit has been accounted for.

- Verifying the letter R is annotated in Block 10 (Equipment) Host Nation International Flight Plan or ICAO International Flight Plan.

- Verifying the requirements for GPS, such as FDE, if appropriate for the operation.

- If required for a specific navigation system, accounting for any operating restriction related to RNP-10 approval/compliance.

Addressing of Flight Plan Messages

Flights intend to land or overfly Kabul FIR filing ICAO standard flight plan in advance is mandatory.

1- Mazar-e Sharif (OAMS) Requirements

AFTN Services not available at Mazar-e-Sharif (OAMS).

2- Kabul (OAKB) Requirements

All civil and military aircrafts arriving and departing or alternate aerodrome as Kabul International Airport (Hamid Karzai International airport) is mandatory to submit ICAO flight plan via AFTN to Kabul ATC Tower, AIS Office, and PIB (OAKBZTZX. OAKBYWYX, OAKBZPZX).

3- Kabul Area Control Center (KACC) Requirements

It is mandatory for Kabul FIR for all civil/commercial and private operators to file a Flight plan, Overflight, Arrival, Departure, Delay, Change and Cancel messages in advance to Kabul area control center AFTN address OAKXZQZX, OAKBZQZX, OAKKZQZX

NOTE: AFTN address OAKBYNYX is no longer valid for Kabul FIR flight plan message. Civil/Commercial aircraft Filling Flight plan to OAKBYNYX address not monitored.


For civilian ACFT an approved PPR (if required), in conjunction with ACAA approval and the submission of a flight plan, constitutes authorization to enter the Kabul FIR and fly to the requested airport.

PPR times are not ATC flow times. They are based on ground handling capability only. Issuance of a PPR does not encompass any ACFT servicing, ground handling, or other aircrew requirements, nor does it imply air traffic control separation, weather conditions or threat assessment. A PPR is valid for ±30 minutes from scheduled time. All flights shall have sufficient fuel and maintenance support to meet their scheduled arrival and departure times and be prepared for minimum ground times. Aircrews need to consider adequate fuel for potential ground/air delays due to unforeseen events.

The following Airfields require PPRs:

- Bagram (OAIX)

- Dwyer (OADY)

- Herat (OAHR)

- Jalalabad (OAJL)

- Kabul (OAKB)

- Kandahar (OAKN)

- Mazar-e-Sharif (OAMS)

PPR Requests

1- Military and Civilian ACFT Supporting NATO

Obtain PPRs by submitting a Movement Request Form (MRF) to the Resolute Support Strategic Flight Coordination Center (RSFCC) via respective National Representative (NRs) or National Airflow Authorities (NAAs).

2- Civilian ACFT. PPR request forms may be obtained from:

Military Theater-Based and US Military Aircraft Not Supporting HQ RS: Obtain PPRs through a respective C2 organization or directly from the airfield

If unable to coordinate via C2 or airfield directly, any transport aircraft may coordinate PPRs through ISFCC.

PPR Requests for Bagram: All operators using an AMC mission number and managed by the USAF 618/TACC will receive their PPR in the course of flightmanagement via TACC dispatchers

Verifying the RNP-10-time limit has been accounted for.

Global Flight Permit